Quick Unsecured Loan for Northern Fish & Chip Shop
Case Study
A trading Fish and Chip shop in the North of England was looking to borrow funds to refurbish their shop by means of investing in new fryers and the associated decoration around this. They have been trading for over 18 years and have an excellent reputation.
The client did not want to offer security as this would have increased costs of borrowing and the time delays would have meant they would have missed out on a good offer from the company selling the equipment.
Genie’s Approach for a Quick Unsecured Loan
After contacting Genie Lending and providing the relevant business documentation which took a couple of days. We were able to place the case with a lender within 48 hours and we had obtained agreement for the funds of £25,000 on an unsecured basis over 5 years.
The client accepted these terms and funds were then available to be drawn down within 24 hours, subject to relevant paperwork. From start to finish, the client had funds available within 10 days of their initial enquiry and was able to make the purchase required to take their business to the next level.